Ph0wn 2022 Edition

Ph0wn 2022 took place on December 9 2022. There was 160 participants. 37 teams scored at least once, and 34 teams scored at least 2 or 3 times. Teams coming from mostly from France (Provence, Paris, Lyon, Grenoble, Toulouse...), but also Switzerland and Germany


The event was sponsored by:

Platinum Sponsors: Fortinet, RingZer0
Gold Sponsors: Yes We Hack, BSecure
Silver Sponsors: Synactiv, Hydrabus
Bronze Sponsors: Bugscale, Collshade, MISC
Venue & organization: Fortinet, Telecom Paris, Université Cote d'Azur

Steering Committee

The core organization team was made of (alphabetic order):

  1. Axelle Apvrille (Fortinet)
  2. Ludovic Apvrille (Telecom Paris)
  3. Sandro Barbero (Fortinet)
  4. Savino Dambra (Norton Research Group)
  5. Fabien Ferrero (Université de Nice)
  6. Alain Forcioli (Fortinet)
  7. Manh-Thao Nguyen (Université de Nice)
  8. Philippe Paget
  9. Bastien Sultan (Telecom Paris)
  10. Lionel Tombakdjian (Université de Nice)

Thanks to Fabrice Francès, Sébastien Andrivet, Nicolas Oberli, Roman Suchwalko, Marius Münch and Letitia Li for their help.


We congratulate all teams who played!

The top 3 teams were entitled to select prizes from the following:

5x HydraUSB
5x HydraBus
5x Whisky bottles
3x Flipper Zero
1x ChipWhisperer Nano
1x M5 Core

Prizes - 2022


A fierce competition among the first 6 teams!

Challenges & Write Ups


We had 28 challenges
1 challenge involved a real and operational satellite
17 challenges involved hardware (antenna, 3D printing, connected jump rope, electronics…)

Team 1 Team 2


Write-ups are available on Ph0wn’s GitHub repository

Badge Contest

All Badges

There were 5 competitors for the Badges. The badges were either created from scratch, or modified versions of badges of former conferences.

The winner of the competition is 6502man for his Candy Slot badge. Press a button and potentially win a candy ;-)

Badge 6502

The sources for his badge are available in GitHub

Free Workshops

Ph0wn 2022 hosted for the first time 3 free workshops during the afternoon. All workshops were full.

Introduction au hacking hardware avec Hydrabus - Nicolas Oberli et Karim Sudki
Build your own Hardware: from concept to PCB - Thorsten Jaeger
Introduction aux FPGA, programmation en python, Migen et LiteX - Franck Jullien

Pictures of the event

Team 1 Team 2
