Ph0wn 2021 Edition

Ph0wn 2021 took place on December 13 2019, online due to sudden degradation of the COVID situation. There was around 65 teams to compete.

  • 27 teams solved at least 1 challenge. Around 115 members on our Discord server.
  • 75% of professionals (security, teachers, researchers...), and 25% students
  • 7% of women, including among the top 5 teams
  • Teams coming from mostly from France (Provence, Bretagne, Normandy, Paris, Toulouse area), but also Switzerland and United Kingdom


The event was sponsored by Fortinet, Yes We Hack, Université Cote d'Azur, Synacktiv, NXP,, Mataru, Telecom Paris, Hydrabus, Ringzer0.

Steering Committee

The core organization team was made of (alphabetic order):

  1. Axelle Apvrille (Fortinet)
  2. Ludovic Apvrille (Telecom Paris)
  3. Sandro Barbero (Fortinet)
  4. Savino Dambra (Norton Research Group)
  5. Fabien Ferrero (Université de Nice)
  6. Alain Forcioli (Fortinet)
  7. Philippe Paget
  8. Roman Suchwalko

Thanks to Fabrice Frances, Sébastien Andrivet, Saumil Shah, Romain Cayre, Bastien Sultan and Tullio Tanzi for their help.


Prizes for the first three CTF teams

We congratulate all teams who played!

The top 3 teams were entitled to the following prizes:

Prizes - 2021

  1. Duks: 5 soldering irons
  2. GCC1: 1 IoT kit, 1 SDR kit and 3 GameWatch
  3. th3jackers: 1 IoT kit, 4 SDR kits


A fierce competition among the first 6 teams!


We also congratulate *JM Histausse* for solving the remaining 2 retrogaming challenges. He won a *Hydrabus* device.

Challenges & Write Ups


We had:

  • 19 challenges, 1 involving a real board remotely accessible, and 2 others replicating real hardware (web camera, infusion pump).
  • 7 challenges were kept for 2022, because they could not be done online.
Music Score 2021 Virus 2021 Faz Mirai 2021 Megademo 2021


Write-ups will posted on GitHub here

Badge Contest

Badges Collection

Bring your favorite badge at Ph0wn CTF: one you built yourself or simply a badge you got at a former conference.
The owner of the badge with most votes gets a cool prize!
See Details


Free Workshops - CANCELLED

1. Introduction au hacking hardware avec Hydrabus - Nicolas Oberli et Karim Sudki - 2pm - 5pm

icon made by in French

Ever wondered how to start with hardware hacking? This small workshop will present you some simple techniques you'll need to get you started. Of course, the best way to learn is by doing so we prepared a target device for you to fiddle with during the workshop.

At the end of this 3-hour workshop, you should be able to:

  • Identify main components found on a device
  • Read and understand a datasheet
  • Get to know some of the usual protocols (UART / I2C)
  • Dump the contents of a memory chip
  • Debug and extract a microcontroller firmware

Please bring a laptop with at least two USB ports to be able to attend.

2. Build your own Hardware: from concept to PCB - Thorsten Jaeger - 2pm - 5pm

icon made by in English

This workshop gives a jump start on the workflow to design own Hardware:

  • Intro to EDA/ECAD - we're using KICAD throughout the workshop
  • Design workflow and Steps
  • Schematic - PCB Layout - Placement - Routing
  • Component to Footprint mapping
  • Custom PCB design
  • Design to Manufacturing steps
  • Create Manufacturing Files and submit to PCB Service
  • Best practice tips
  • Q&A

Please bring a laptop wit KICAD (5.1.10) installed

3. Traitement d’images d’astronomie - Tullio Tanzi - 2pm - 4pm

icon made by in French

L'objectif de ce workshop est de pratiquer le traitement d'images astronomiques pré-acquises obtenues soit avec des appareils photos numériques classiques (APN) ou soit à l'aide de caméras vidéo spécifiques à l'astronomie.

A partir d'images fournies (planétaires, lunaire et de ciel profond), vous apprendrez à :

  • Traiter une séquence d'images
  • Utiliser des images brutes prises à partir d'APN dé-filtré
  • Reconstituer une mosaique de photos
  • Utiliser des logiciels comme Astrosurface ou SIRIL

4. Introduction aux FPGA, programmation en python, Migen et LiteX - Franck Jullien - 2pm - 5pm

icon made by in French

In this workshop you will learn:

  • What a FPGA is,
  • Digital electronic basics,
  • What Migen and Litex are,
  • How to run a simple design in simulation,
  • Build your own blinker and run it on the target.

Because we will use a GOWIN board (Tango Nano) we need to install the GOWIN toolchain. Unfortunately this requires to individually ask a (free) license directly to GOWIN.

For a pleasant experience please bring a laptop running Linux and please:

If you've set up everything correctly, you should be able to run :

../litex-boards/litex_boards/targets$ ./ --build
