Ph0wn 2019
Ph0wn 2019 Edition
Ph0wn 2019 took place on December 13 2019, in Sophia Antipolis, France. There were 150 participants.
The event was sponsored by Fortinet, Yes We Hack, Université Cote d'Azur, NXP, Nintendo European Research and Development,, Mataru, Telecom Paris, Hackable Magazine
We also thank GreHack, BlackAlps, reVax Corp for their support and advertisement, and our employers Université de Nice, Telecom Paris, EURECOM and Fortinet.
Steering Committee
The core organization team was made of (alphabetic order):
- Axelle Apvrille (Fortinet)
- Ludovic Apvrille (Telecom Paristech)
- Fabien Ferrero (Université de Nice)
- Yanick Fratantonio (EURECOM)
- Alain Forcioli (Fortinet)
- Marius Münch (EURECOM)
- Philippe Paget
- Roman Suchwalko
Thanks to Fabrice, @AndrivetSeb, @Pelissier_S and @mertenats for their help.
Prizes for the first three CTF teams
Prizes for the first three winning teams were to select among:
5 Nintendo Switch Lite, 5 NXP iMX RT1050 boards and 5 bottles of Bruichladdich.

- duks
- ID-IoT
- mushd00m