Ph0wn 2024
Ph0wn 2024 Edition
Ph0wn 2024 took place on November 29-30 2023. There was 230 participants in 50 teams.
49 teams scored at least once. Teams coming from mostly France (Provence, Grenoble, Rennes, Toulouse...), but also 3 teams from Switzerland and 1 from Belgium. There were 20% of students, 80% of professionals.
Download Ph0wn eZine Issue #02!
The event was sponsored by:
- Platinum Sponsors: Fortinet, RingZer0
- Gold Sponsors: SERMA, Penthertz
- Bronze Sponsors: Texplained,, Hydrabus, Cube
Venue & organization: Fortinet, Telecom Paris, Université Cote d'Azur, EURECOM, GreHack, Norton Research Group, SHL.
Steering Committee
The core organization team was made of (alphabetic order):
- Axelle Apvrille (Fortinet)
- Ludovic Apvrille (Telecom Paris)
- Sandro Barbero (Fortinet)
- Romain Cayre (LAAS)
- Brehima Coulibaly (Fortinet)
- Savino Dambra (Norton Research Group)
- Alain Forcioli (Fortinet)
- Paul Ganelon (SHL)
- Romain Malmain (EURECOM)
- Philippe Paget
- Bastien Sultan (Telecom Paris)
Thanks to Alexey Andriyashin, Maximilien Bouchez, Damien Cauquil, Guerric Eloi, Fabrice Francès, Nabil Hamzi, Aurélien Hernandez, Letitia Li, Cédric Lucas, Nicolas Oberli, Nicolas Rouvière, Jules Sarran, Karim Sudki for their help.
Prizes and Winners
The winners of this CTF was Phreaks 2600 team! Congratulations to them, congratulations to all of you whatever your score.
- Phreaks 2600
- Duks
- 3rd: Soudure à l'hydra chartreuse

The top 3 teams were entitled to select prizes from the following:
- 3x LEGO boxes
- 5x M5 Cardputer
- 2x Bath kits
- 3x RC buggys
- 2x model kits


The Ph0wn Trophy is a unique 3D printed trophy designed by SHL

Challenges & Write Ups
- 24 challenges
- 10 challenges involved specific equipment (EV3 robot, custom PCB, M5 Stick, cassette readers...)
- 4 Rookie challenges
- Easiest challenges: Corvette, Thnxtag
- Most difficult challenges: Ph0wn Ultra Trail, PicoWallet 2: False Start

Write-ups are available on Ph0wn's GitHub repository or download Ph0wn eZine Issue #02!
Badge Contest
Congratulations to the winner of the Badge Contest!

We also asked participants to add their CTF pretix ticket on their badge, and had several interesting submissions:
- One submission on a M5 Stick
- One submission using the customized PCB and showing the QR code on the serial connection
- Two other submissions on custom badges
Free Workshops
Ph0wn 2024 hosted 6 free workshops during the afternoon.
- Ghidra for ARM - Maximilien Bouchez
- Capture The Drone - Jules Sarran
- Side Channel Attacks - Nabil Hamzi
- Android Application Reverse Engineering - Cédric Lucas
- Hydrabus 101 - Nicolas Oberli and Karim Sudki
- WHAD - Damien Cauquil and Romain Cayre

Pictures of the event
There were teams from ARM, Ampère Cars, Ecole 2600, Ecole 42, EURECOM, GreHack, IRSN, Kudelski, NXP, SERMA, SHL, Telecom Paris, Université de Nice… and more!